Mary Immen Hall, Three-time Norman Rockwell Model.
I first met Mary Immen Hall at my book signing for my book Cows in the Fog and Other Poems and Stories in the Bennington Bookshop, Bennington, Vermont. I mentioned that I had spent three months a year a short distance from Rockwell’s studio in West Arlington. Mary and I became “fast friends” after she […]
Fishing for Social Media Followers
When I began expanding the social media campaign for my upcoming book about Norman Rockwell’s Vermont models, a troubling image came to mind. I pictured myself sitting in a small motorboat just off the seashore, wondering where in the world to cast my line. I felt overwhelmed by the vast ocean. I was aware that […]
Call Me Norman Fills a Gap in Rockwell Biographies.
The most Coming up with an idea for a book is like any other project. You want to make sure that if you put your blood and sweat into it, you’re creating a book others will find worth reading. I want to create books people will love. A carpenter does not simply order a […]