
Lonely as a Leaf

Lonely as a Leaf Every so often, a random glimpse of innocence carries me back to where the melancholy breeze that swimming hole of September first blew, the cool one that plucked the season’s first dying leaf, leaving it to fall, lonely, whirling to the earth. You are whispered back to life, brown hair matted […]

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Can Writing a Book be Like Building A House?

(Incidentally, my book, Cows in the Fog and Other Poems and Stories, is available at in paperback or ebook.) Yes writing a book can be like building a house. Over the years I have learned a good deal about how one can create a book project that he can actually complete. And complete it […]

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The Journey to Connectedness

AVAILABLE NOW! Cows in the Fog can be purchased at, then click on, or type in, “books.” When I was young, I wanted to be rich and famous. As I got older, I just wanted to be rich. Now, I simply want enough money to get buy, comfortably, when possible, and to enjoy life […]

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