Calendar of Events

March 2023 Events:

March 16, Thurs: 7-8. Pawling Library, Pawling, New York. Powerpoint presentation.

March 26, Sun: 2:00. Mahopac Library, Mahopac, New York Powerpoint presentation.

March 30, Thurs. 7:00. Bennington Free Library, Bennington, Vermont Powerpoint presentation.

April 2023 Events:

April 23, Sun: 3:00. Stockbridge Library, Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Library. Powerpoint presentation

May 2023 Events:

May 7, Sun. 2:00. Powerpoint presentation. Rockwell’s Retreat (Rockwell Former Studio) West Arlington, Vermont

May 10, Sun. 6:00 pm. Battenkill Books, The Vault, 31 East Main St., Cambridge, New York

May 21, Sun. 3:00 pm. Salem Community Courthouse, 58 East Broadway, Salem, NY. Powerpoint presentation

June 2023 Events:

Sunday, June 4 at 2:00. Barnes and Noble, Mohegan Lake, NY. 1999 East Main St.

Otherwise, all is terrific.

July 2023 Events:

July 22, Saturday, 1:00 p.m.  Long Lake Library. 1195 Main St., Long Lake, NY. Powerpoint Presentation

August 2023 Events:

August 2, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Chappaqua Library, 195 S. Greeley, Ave. Chappaqua, NY. Powerpoint Presentation.

August 20, Sunday, 2:00. Greenwich Free Library, 148 Main St., Greenwich, NEW YORK. PowerPoint Presentation
September 2023 Events:

Sept. 1, Fri. 6:00. Northshire Bookstore, Manchester, Vermont. Powerpoint presentation

October 2023 Events:

Oct. 12,  Thurs., 5:30 p.m. Manchester Library, 138 Cemetery Ave, Manchester, Vermont. Powerpoint Presentation.

October 8, Sun. 2:00. Bennington Museum, Bennington, Vermont. Powerpoint presentation

October 20, Friday, 1:30. Greenwich Sr. Center, 299 Greenwich, Ave., Greenwich, CONNECTICUT