New Printer Works Every Time!
New Printer. Cable Connect! Works Every Time! Fantastic! I wrote in one of my blogs how I struggled to get my printer, connected to Wifi, to print when I needed it to. Actually, after awhile, it wouldn’t print at all. I learned many people had the same problem. I had to chuckle when one old […]
My Foray into the Electronic Age, The Ecstasy and the Agony
I debated whether I should be vulnerable and write this piece describing the nerve-wracking experiences I have endured during our electronic age. When I told my writer friend Jeff, he warned me, “There will be some young folks who won’t understand your problems at all. They’re lightning fast on the computer.” Even though those youths […]
The Running of the Bulls: My Friend’s Title for Our Commute
Who in history would have ever thought technology would have evolved to the point that for some of us, our drive to work would be the most difficult and draining part of the day? We strap ourselves in these things called “cars.” As we pull out of our driveways, we tell ourselves we better stay […]
My Friend is Sick of the Word “Grab”
Again in Memory of Andy Rooney. A co-worker named Donald came up to me recently and said, “Aren’t you sick of the word ‘grab.’ Everyone says they’re going to ‘grab’ something these days. ‘Grab lunch…grab some paperwork…grab my kids.’ Why do they need to grab everything?” A look of astonishment covered his face. (For God’s […]
Don’t Name a Road After Me. In Memory of Andy Rooney.
I don’t “channel” people, but if I did, I would tell you Andy Rooney told me to write this essay. I heard his voice in my head, and it stayed with me until I finished. But who am I to say it sounds like him? If I do anything heroic before I die, which I […]
My Diary Became a Close Friend
In my twenties I began a diary. I’d make the typical entry, about what happened during my day and jot down philosophical thoughts. (Eventually, I kept a record of a special period of my life that I wanted to savor and give to a special person one day. I’ll tell you about this later in […]
Our Barber was a Rockwell Model: Never Knew!
My mother grew up on my grandparents’ dairy farm in rural Taneytown, Maryland. My father’s hometown was rural Greenfield, Massachusetts, and he enjoyed spending time on a farm his relatives operated. As a child, my family lived in the busy New York suburbs in Connecticut. Both parents couldn’t wait for summertime to get back to […]
Norman Rockwell’s Research. You’d be Suprised of the Extent.
When creating his iconic paintings, Norman Rockwell went all out with one-hundred-percent focus. There was the communication with book and magazine editors who fed him ideas. Then, Norman would painstakingly create layouts with strong design elements. Since he demanded of himself that his paintings appear genuine, he searched for models until he found the one […]
Mary Immen Hall, Three-time Norman Rockwell Model.
I first met Mary Immen Hall at my book signing for my book Cows in the Fog and Other Poems and Stories in the Bennington Bookshop, Bennington, Vermont. I mentioned that I had spent three months a year a short distance from Rockwell’s studio in West Arlington. Mary and I became “fast friends” after she […]