Cows in the Fog

Cows in the Fog

Stroll with S.T. Haggerty down country roads. Breathe the fresh air…

Feel the warmth of a cow against your cheek at milking…

Stand on a wood plank bridge as a roaring brook cheers a valley on a dismal day…

Observe a pink headed vulture the author thought he knew. It flew majestically in the morning, and in the afternoon, he encounters it, dark side exposed…

Wrestle with thoughts as the author wonders if he should join in appeasing a bull that breaks through fences. Widen the opportunist’s pasture, or repair it, and leave it where it is..?

Relax during a cloudburst, and appreciate impressionistic landscape while escaping in a car…

Share the ideas that come as S.T. Haggerty spends time in the presence of nature’s creatures…

Join in reminiscing on a lonely evening about all the family and friends who once gathered with you, but have moved on…

The author provides plenty of humor in a “Quips and Quotes,” and in a short story, “The Stockton Diet.” A regular guy in a house empty of food ventures out at night after the town is closed down. He finds food where few men would dare to eat.

A book for all ages. Read a few poems in the café, relaxing after dinner, at the poolside or fireside.

Night Petals

Crows blend into the night
The tender furnace hums to me
Peace sprinkles points of light
Our round poem purrs on my knee,
and the sonnet petals open, finally.

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