New Printer. Cable Connect! Works Every Time! Fantastic!
I wrote in one of my blogs how I struggled to get my printer, connected to Wifi, to print when I needed it to. Actually, after awhile, it wouldn’t print at all. I learned many people had the same problem. I had to chuckle when one old guy told me after he clicked on “print,” nothing happened. Then, two hours later when he was going to bed, the reluctant printer, like a lazy person, would finally get busy. He’d hear the printer get up out of it’s chair and rumble. Finally it coughed up his document.
I went a couple of times to the store where I bought my printer. Each time they gave me different advice to get the Wifi to work. No dice. I called the company’s helpline. We worked on it for a half hour a couple of times, no dice. That model had a port for direct connect (computer to printer via a cable) but they told me that port actually was not active. I called the manufacturer, and they said I couldn’t return it as I was too late. The company said they want people to use Wifi, rather than direct connect because they want users to download new software as it comes.
So I went to Staples and told them, “I want a printer that hooks up directly by a wire from computer to printer.” Plllllllllllease! They only had one. I bought it, brought it home, and downloaded the software. It has a great work ethic. No sitting lazily in its chair. It prints immediately. EVERY TIME. Okay, sometimes if I’m working with my laptop in the living room, I have to get up, step over to my office, and hook up the cable to the printer. I consider that a very small price to pay!!!!